Natascha Finnerty
Natascha Finnerty remembers the first Earth Day and the polluted Hudson river where she grew up. She became more active after the UNIPCC report in 2018 told the world that we need to act in the next 12 years. She started her own volunteer environmental group, Nashoba Valley Climate Coalition, to encourage and educate people and town employees in the Nashoba Valley region. She is a member of the MA Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Cambridge Rotary Club, an activist with Extinction Rebellion and 350.org. She reactivated her own green team at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and supports sustainability at the Smithsonian institution.

Michelle Hung
Michelle Hung, our NVCC intern, is entering her junior year at Westborough High School. Everything she’s participated in, from Sustainable Westborough, the Westborough Energy Fair, to her high school’s environmental club, have been inspired by her involvement in the Biodiversity unit in her 6th grade class. At that age, she wasn’t aware that climate change was a problem until they started that project. She did research on endangered species and the months of preparation for our final presentation was eye-opening for her. As she dug deeper into her research, she saw connections between the impacts of human activity and why many species are becoming endangered and extinct. After the biodiversity project and seeing the lack of action taken to fix this problem, she realized that this is what she wanted to do in the future: someone who can help make an impact and a positive change for our planet before it’s too late. Michelle is now an associate member/student representative for her town government’s environment group, Sustainable Westborough, an organizer of and speaker at the Westborough Energy Fair, our NVCC intern, and will be working with members from Sustainable Westborough on an upcoming EV Car Show in the fall!