Local Actions

Here are a few actions you can take to urge your local town administration to limit your community’s carbon footprint.

Work with Mass Save to reduce carbon emissions

We worked with the town administrator in Lancaster to compete for an energy campaign offered by MASS SAVE where we will be awarded grant money for new Energy projects. Community members – homeowners, renters, landlords and small businesses can work together to conserve energy and more towards better platforms.

Apply for Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean School Bus Program.

This grant provides funding for school districts to replace older buses with electric school buses. Urge your town’s school committee and town administration to apply for the grant! The deadline is August 19, 2022.



Work with your local environmental groups/town committees to hold an energy fair for your town residents.

Our NVCC Intern, Michelle Hung, worked with members from Sustainable Westborough based Westborough Massachusetts to hold an Energy Fair, which was targeted at families in and near Westborough. This event provided their local communities with actionable takeaways to improve energy usage patterns and behaviors. The event will put a spotlight on the potential impact of Climate Change on present and future generations. In addition, topics covered may include mitigating solutions such as shifting to renewable sources of electricity, electrification of transportation, electrification of building heating and cooling and sustainable food consumption. Reach out to Michelle Hung (michellehung25@gmail.com) if you have questions on how to start the Energy Fair. The 1st annual Energy Fair consisted of vendors, student exhibitors, exhibitors, and speakers. Check out this link for our Intern, Michelle’s presentation on a student’s perspective on climate change : https://youtu.be/g5Bj9I7Kxlw

Start a Trex Recycling program in your town!

When we collect 500 lbs of soft plastic, usually not recyclable, to donate to Trex through the Community Center, Recycling Center or First Church of Christ Sunday School, they provide us with a bench!


more coming soon!